Ordering Conception

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Downloading Conception

To download Conception, use the links on this page. The file you download will be an unlicensed copy of Conception intended for bona fide evaluation use only. To upgrade your downloaded copy to a version that is licensed for personal or institutional use, you must obtain a licence code from us.

Obtaining a personal-use licence

This licence is free. It is available only to teachers, students and home users of personal computers. Just send an email to conception@parlog.com with the subject "Conception personal-use licence request" and supply your full name and home postal address. We will provide a registration code by email. Please note that technical support is not available to personal-use licence holders and PLP reserves the right to withhold or withdraw such licences at any time and without explanation.

Institutional-use licences are no longer sold

© Parallel Logic Programming Ltd. 2015